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We will use Google sites to manage the assignments: MEA792-002-f15Data
- General resources
- UAV data
- boundaries of all COAs obtained by NGAT in North Carolina (google maps, shp)
- Study site (Lake Wheeler): COA boundaries (shp, kml), GCP coordinates (txt, kml), also included in the GRASS location (see processed data)
- Survey data: down-sampled pictures and log from the flight 06/20/2015
- Processed data:
- LakeWheeler_NCspm GRASS location with timeseries of DSMs from 2015 flights
- point clouds from 2015 flights
- point clouds for the gully area (high density, from 2015 flights)
- point clouds used for flow simulation (limited extent)
- Lidar data
- Secref and Mid Pines point clouds
- Secref and Mid Pines interpolated DEM/DSM (use r.unpack)
- for additional point cloud tiles:
- see the overview vector file in GRASS,
- download preselected tiles from here,
- follow the instructions for importing lidar data to GRASS GIS.
- ASPRS LAS specification file with the list of ASPRS Standard LIDAR Point Classes on p.10
- GRASS GIS 7.0.1 (you can use these instructions to install it)
- Trimble Aerial Imaging software and installation instructions here
- Agisoft Photoscan (provided at NCSU) - you can work on the demo version; installation files: Windows, Mac, Linux
- open source software OpenDroneMap (installation will be discussed in class)
- open source software MicMac (documentation can be found here)
- LibLAS and LAStools for managing the .las files in GRASS
- software provided at NCSU is available through Google Drive (accessible with NCSU account)
- Explore different types of UAS
- Flight plan preparation - use Trimble Aerial Imaging (Assignment 2A) and GRASS GIS (Assignment 2B)
- Processing the data to create orthophoto and DSM using Agisoft Photoscan and OpenDroneMap
- GIS-based analysis of UAS derived data geoprocessing outputs
- Multiple return lidar data analysis and visualization
- Fusion of lidar and UAV data
- Create a script to process multiple raster or vector maps
- In case you are not familiar with Python, go through e.g., Codecademy Python track.
- Run examples in the introduction to see examples of how GRASS GIS is used in Python.
- Impact of terrain change on landscape processes: dynamic simulation on fused lidar/UAS DsM time series